
The KwaZulu-Natal Christian Council, lead organization of the KZNDEF brings you greetings and encouragement at this time as we prepare for national and provincial elections. We pray that you will play whatever role you can in ensuring that the vote is free, fair and peaceful.

Growing political intolerance

We are concerned that political intolerance seems to be growing in many communities as we prepare for the local elections. It is important to remember that people of different cultures, religions and political beliefs are entitled to have different opinions and to express these even if they differ from majority points of view. To agree to differ is a noble idea which stems from a fundamental belief of our Christian religion, and indeed of all major world religions, that we should do to others what we would like them to do to us.

Incidents of political intolerance and violent protests are a challenge to all of us to ensure that the political stability achieved over the past fifteen years may continue and be strengthened. In the run-up to the elections we would like to re-state the principles of democracy: a multiparty system where all are free to vote for the party of their choice and acceptance of the outcome; the human rights of all upheld through the rule of law and the various institutions that our constitution has put in place.

A call to all people in KwaZulu-Natal

We earnestly call on all people in KwaZulu-Natal to desist from any activity or utterance which may prevent our fellow citizens from exercising their right to participate fully – a right for which so many have struggled and died in the past. Citizens are not to be intimidated or harassed in any way before, during or after elections. When the results of the elections are announced all of us should accept the outcome. Should any results be challenged we should await the legal process to check and sort out any dispute while we remain calm, law-abiding citizens.

We completely reject any attempts to hinder people from exercising their political freedoms and urge all to cooperate with our law enforcement institutions to bring to book the perpetrators of any breach of electoral freedom. Living in a constitutional order under the rule of law means that everyone in the country, even the members of security services and the highest government officials, are not above the law. If they break the law the churches must assist to ensure that justice prevails.

During the time of electioneering, political parties have presented their election manifestoes. They have signed the Electoral Code of Conduct and must be held to every clause of that undertaking. The whole country is a free platform for any party to canvass support through meetings, rallies, media conferences, interviews, debates and door-to-door visits. All this is normal democratic process and must be carried out in a spirit of tolerance, good will and responsible citizenship.  We are glad that the idea that any part of South Africa or of KwaZulu-Natal is a “no go” area for any political party is simply becoming an issue of the past.

As church leaders we should be vigilant and prophetic by publicly opposing the use of hate speech, intimidation, blocking routes to rallies, as well as the disruption of meetings and conferences of rival political parties – all of which are highly provocative and can easily lead to violence.

The 2011 elections

We pray that the 2011 elections may readily be deserve authentic stamp of “free and fair” and that we will elect leaders whom we can proudly say have been chosen by the people. Such leaders would:

  • adhere to a high standard of ethical behaviour both in public and in private;
  • have a concern for all people, but special compassion for the poor and marginalised;
  • be able to see beyond personal or party interests;
  • accommodate and encourage open debate;
  • be willing to listen to all citizens even those who may have voted against them;
  • be accountable with regard to the promises in their party political manifestoes;
  • ensure delivery of services, especially to the most needy.

In a word, they should make democracy work for all our people.

To ensure that the elections are free and fair and that Churches should urge communities to elect such political leaders, we urge all our members to take part in the various democracy training events organised by the Education for Democracy Consortium of the KwaZulu-Natal Christian Council in every part of the province through the following ecumenical organisations: Diakonia Council of Churches (Durban); KwaZulu Regional Christian Council (Eshowe); Pietermaritzburg Agency for Christian Social Awareness (Pietermaritzburg); Practical Ministries (Port Shepstone); Thukela-Amajuba-Mzinyathi Christian Council (Ladysmith); Young Men’s Christian Association (Durban). We also urge you to work with organizations as DDP, CLRDC and COMBOCO who are working on areas as voter and democracy deepening.

What are some of the key roles of churches and Civil society organisations in the coming elections?


We are interested in contributing to the work of the IEC, NGOs, CBOs and other structures seeking to deepen democracy through voter and democracy education. These workshops seek to inculcate high ethical principles in the conduct of leaders and also helps to improve the QUALITY of the voter.

  1. The voter education processes on (a) Taking bar-coded IDs, (b) voter registration, (c) inspecting the voter’s roll so that they confirm that their details are correct, and know where to vote, (d) knowing how to cast the vote correctly (e) political tolerance are some of the key and basic teachings that preachers will be asked to present on every Sunday up to the election day..

iii. Currently KwaZulu Natal Christian Council (KZNCC) is coordinating the KZN Election Forum in preparation for the 2011 elections. This Forum needs the IEC support now not a few days before the elections.


I We will produce and circulate letters to churches encouraging citizens to exercise their right and contribute to transformation of their community through the ballot and not the bullet.

  1. Choice between apathy and hope, and helping address apathy among the youth- the pastoral letter and the planned workshops will specifically target youth in the church on elections issues.
  3. One of the most important functions of churches is to maintain a ministry of presence. With the support of the IEC we will work with political parties, and we will condemning all forms of intimidation, harassment and violence before, during and after the elections, and will urge people to report perpetrators of violence to local leaders and the police.
  4. We will participate in the signing of the peace pledge by the political parties at provincial and local levels so that the general public understands that we support peace.


  1. On three Sundays before the elections, we will request churches in the province to pray for the IEC, police and security forces so that we have peaceful, free, fair and credible elections.
  2. After elections we will request different churches to arrange prayers for the elected leaders to positions of responsibilities diligence.
  4. We will make church buildings available and church leaders available to contribute to free and fair elections!


More than any other province, we in KwaZulu-Natal have known the horrific power of political violence. Many people died as a result of this violence in the 1980s and 1990s, tens of thousands were injured, displaced and much property was destroyed. Even now, many of our people bear in their hearts the psychological wounds of what was done to them and their loved ones, or the effects of the pain and suffering they inflicted on others.

We say with unity and determination. Never, Never again! Never again will we let such will this happen in our beloved land!

We all commit ourselves, pray and nip in the bud any danger of such conflict ever again breaking out amongst us.

God is calling each of us to be a peacemaker and a peace-builder in our own community.

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