We greet you in the wonderful name of Jesus Christ, our Saviour.


This year marks our 27th Annual General Meeting. You are cordially invited!

  1. Annual General Meeting

DATE : Wednesday, 30th of August 2023

TIME : 09h00 to 13h00

VENUE : Emmanuel Assemblies of God- Kokstad

The KZNCC Executive Committee resolved that representation in the Council should be according to the Constitution requirements. Attention is drawn to KZNCC Constitution clause 8. The following representation requirements apply:

  • The head of each full member Church or Christian organisation or his/her deputy.
  • For full members with a membership in the province of:
    1. Up to 10,000, two (2) additional representatives.
    2. Between 10,000 and 20,000, four (4) additional representatives.
    3. More than 20,000, six (6) additional representatives.
    4. For each local Christian Council affiliated to the Council, two (2) representatives.
    5. For observer members, two (2) representatives chosen from the entire number of observer members.
    6. The members of the Management Committee in a non-voting capacity; and
    7. One (1) representative of each Sub-Committee of the KZNCC in a non-voting capacity.

Furthermore, Clause 8.5 of the KZNCC Constitution clearly states:

The names of delegates shall be submitted in writing by the Head of each member church, Regional Christian Council or Christian organisation to the Chief Executive Officer not later than fourteen (14) days before the date of each AGM. Only such delegates shall be entitled to vote at the AGM, provided they are up to date in the payment of their membership fees.

Participation of Regional Offices:

  1. Two (2) staff members
  2. Two (2) Executive Committee Members

Your attendance will be highly appreciated.

Yours Sincerely

Dr Douglas Dziva

Chief Executive Officer: KZNCC


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